Daily Archives: June 16, 2015

GarudaFood and Barry Callebaut enter long-term supply agreement in Indonesia

GarudaFood and Barry Callebaut enter long-term supply agreement in Indonesia

June 16, 2015
Barry Callebaut’s first chocolate outsourcing agreement in Southeast Asia

  • GarudaFood and Barry Callebaut signed a long-term chocolate outsourcing agreement
  • Delivery of an important part of GarudaFood’s compound chocolate requirements
  • Close cooperation in innovation to support GarudaFood’s further growth in Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous country with a rapidly growing economy

GarudaFood Group, one of the largest food and beverage companies in Indonesia, and the Barry Callebaut Group, the world’s leading manufacturer of high-quality chocolate and cocoa products, announced today the signing of a long-term supply agreement.

Under the terms of the agreement, Barry Callebaut will supply 10,000 tonnes of compound chocolate per year to GarudaFood’s biscuit factory in Gresik (Province of East Java). Barry Callebaut plans to increase the capacity significantly over the next three years. The implementation of this agreement will start in mid-2016. Barry Callebaut will take over some of the manufacturing equipment from GarudaFood and set up its operations in a new factory building on the premises of the GarudaFood biscuit plant in Gresik. The agreement also includes the close cooperation between Barry Callebaut and GarudaFood in innovation. Through joint R&D activities the two companies will develop new products that will support GarudaFood’s further growth in the Indonesian market. The parties agreed not to disclose any further terms of the agreement.

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Fundamental Bullish Picu Harga Kakao Capai 8 Bulan Tertinggi

Fundamental Bullish Picu Harga Kakao Capai 8 Bulan Tertinggi

Tue, 16 June 2015, 9:32 AM

2015-06-16-Fundamental Bullish Picu Harga Kakao Capai 8 Bulan Tertinggi

Harga kakao berjangka di penutupan perdagangan Selasa dini hari terpantau mengalami lonjakan yang luar biasa (16/6). Harga kakao berjangka kontrak Juli yang merupakan kontrak paling aktif kembali melejit kencang dan mencapai kembali posisi paling tinggi sejak akhir September tahun 2014 yang lalu.

Kinerja harga kakao berjangka didukung oleh kondisi fundamental yang menunjukkan bahwa permintaan atas komoditas tersebut mengalami kenaikan. Salah satu alasan melejitnya harga kakao adalah karena permintaan dari Asia mengalami peningkatan tajam.

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