Tag Archives: Cargill

ADM Completes Sale of Global Chocolate Business

ADM Completes Sale of Global Chocolate Business

CHICAGO, Aug. 3, 2015—Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) today announced that it has completed the sale of its global chocolate business to Cargill.

“We are continuing to create shareholder value, whether through profitable growth—such as the recent expansion of our port network and the addition to our corn footprint in Europe—or by divesting businesses for which we don’t see a long-term path toward achieving acceptable returns,” said CEO Juan Luciano. “I am proud of the team that identified and delivered on this sale and others like it—including the proposed sale of our cocoa business—which are helping to ensure that we continue to drive results for our shareholders and our company.”

The sale is valued at about $440 million, subject to post-closing adjustments. About 670 colleagues transferred to Cargill with the business.

“I would like to thank the chocolate team for their dedication, and we of course wish them the best,” Luciano continued.

About ADM
For more than a century, the people of Archer Daniels Midland Company (NYSE: ADM) have transformed crops into products that serve the vital needs of a growing world. Today, we’re one of the world’s largest agricultural processors and food ingredient providers, with more than 33,000 employees serving customers in more than 140 countries. With a global value chain that includes more than 460 crop procurement locations, 300 ingredient manufacturing facilities, 40 innovation centers and the world’s premier crop transportation network, we connect the harvest to the home, making products for food, animal feed, chemical and energy uses. Learn more at http://www.adm.com.

Archer Daniels Midland Company
Media Relations
Jackie Anderson

Source : http://www.adm.com/en-US/news/_layouts/PressReleaseDetail.aspx?ID=671

Mondelez Genjot Coklat Indonesia, Mayoritas Petani Kakao Belum Tersentuh

Mondelez Genjot Coklat Indonesia, Mayoritas Petani Kakao Belum Tersentuh

Selasa, 26 Mei 2015 | 02:00

2015-05-26-Mondelez Genjot Coklat Indonesia, Mayoritas Petani Kakao Belum Tersentuh

Jakarta – Mondelez International melakukan upaya perkuatan untuk mempertahankan Indonesia sebagai salah satu negara produsen terbaik di dunia melalui program Cocoa Life dengan nilai investasi 400 juta dolar AS.

“Kami berharap para petani yang sudah dilatih menjadi lebih produktif sehingga mempunyai kehidupan yang sejahtera dan dapat menyumbang lebih besar kepada ekonomi Indonesia,” kata Country Head Corporate and Government Affairs Rhea Sianipar di Jakarta, Senin (25/5).

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JK Minta Pengusaha Kakao Investasi di Tanah Air

JK Minta Pengusaha Kakao Investasi di Tanah Air

Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015 – 14:17 wib

2015-05-16-JK Minta Pengusaha Kakao Investasi di Tanah Air

LONDON – Wakil Presiden Jusuf Kalla mengundang para pengusaha bidang industri kakao untuk menanamkan modalnya di Tanah Air, mengingat produksi biji kakao di Indonesia adalah terbesar ketiga di dunia.

“Saya hadir di sini untuk mempertegas komitmen pemerintah Indonesia menjadi salah satu negara yang paling kompetitif untuk berinvestasi, khususnya di bidang industri kakao,” kata Wapres di London, Jumat (15/5/2015) malam.

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Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP)

Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP)



Swiss Government Commitment for Promoting Sustainable Cocoa Value Chain in Indonesia 


Mamuju – Indonesia, 21 April 2015 – Swiss State Secretary for Economic Affairs, Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, visited the heart of Indonesia’s cocoa production, Mamuju in West Sulawesi, to review the progress of Switzerland’s partnership with the Indonesian Government, local smallholder cocoa farmers, and the private sector for the promotion of a sustainable cocoa value chain in the country. Switzerland has been supporting the Sustainable Cocoa Production Program (SCPP), implemented by Swisscontact, since 2012. Yvonne Baumann (Swiss Ambassador to Indonesia), Hans Joehr (Corporate Head of Agriculture Nestlé SA) and Samuel Bon (CEO Swisscontact) also participated in the visit, accompanied by Manfred Borer (Country Director Swisscontact Indonesia).

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Program Produksi Kakao Berkelanjutan (SCPP)

Program Produksi Kakao Berkelanjutan (SCPP)



Komitmen Pemerintah Swiss Dalam Mendukung Rantai Nilai Kakao Berkelanjutan di Indonesia 


Mamuju – Indonesia, 21 April 2015 – Sekretaris Negara untuk Urusan Ekonomi Swiss, Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch, berkunjung ke jantung produksi kakao Indonesia, Mamuju di Sulawesi Barat, dalam rangka meninjau kemajuan program kerjasama Negara Swiss dengan Pemerintah Indonesia, petani kakao kecil, dan sektor swasta untuk mendukung rantai nilai kakao berkelanjutan di Indonesia. Negara Swiss telah mendukung Program Produksi Kakao Berkelanjutan (SCPP) yang diimplementasi oleh Swisscontact sejak 2012. Yvonne Baumann (Duta Besar Swiss untuk Indonesia), Hans Joehr (Corporate Head of Agriculture Nestlé SA), Samuel Bon (CEO Swisscontact) juga turut serta dalam kunjungan tersebut, didampingi oleh Manfred Borer (Country Director Swisscontact Indonesia).

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Chocolate heavyweights back Indonesian sustainable cocoa program


Chocolate heavyweights back Indonesian sustainable cocoa program

2015-04-15-Chocolate heavyweights back Indonesian sustainable cocoa program

Mondelēz, Mars, Nestlé and Barry Callebaut and Cargill are backing a three-year sustainable cocoa program in Indonesia, which aims to reduce poverty and greenhouse gas emissions.

Entitled ‘Green Prosperity’, the project will build knowledge and skills among 58,000 cocoa farms, with women and vulnerable groups among those benefiting from the scheme.

Green Prosperity is designed to include stakeholders from across the cocoa value chain, with the goal of creating a self-sustaining model that increases revenues for participating cocoa farmers and associated businesses and will run until the end of March 2018.

Sensible financial management

The project is being spread across 14 districts in South Sulawesi, West Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara Provinces.

It is led by development foundation Swisscontact, which has been working in Indonesia since 1972. Other members of the consortium include Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia, the World Cocoa Foundation, Rabobank, BT Cocoa, Guittard, Veco Indonesia, Bank Rakyat Indonesia, and PT Bank Pembangunan Daerah NTT. The project will also involve national and local governments, regional cocoa groups, and the Cocoa Sustainability Partnership (CSP) to share knowledge across the sector.

Farmers will learn more about environmentally friendly cocoa farming, improved nutrition practices, and sensible financial management.

The value of cooperation

Funding comes from equal investment from the consortium and Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia, bringing $15m to the cocoa sector.

US donor agency Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), which is involved through Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia, said the project demonstrates a strong relationship between the US and Indonesia.

“By supporting economic growth and development, we are working together to ensure a better future for Indonesians and Americans alike,” said Dana J. Hyde, CEO of Millennium Challenge Corporation.

“This partnership will enable farmers to increase their productivity and their incomes, and bring the value of cooperation which is crucial for sustainability and future economic growth,” added Lukita Dinarsyah Tuwo, chairman of the board of trustees, MCA-Indonesia.

Source : http://mobile.confectionerynews.com/Markets/Mondelez-Mars-and-Nestle-back-sustainable-cocoa-program#.VTFJ|LEaynM

Kemakmuran Hijau Mengantar Sulbar Menjadi Sentra Kakao

Kemakmuran Hijau Mengantar Sulbar Menjadi Sentra Kakao

Selasa, 31 Maret 2015 | 23:44

Gubernur Sulbar, Anwar Adnan Saleh (paling kiri), menyaksikan Manfred Borer, Direktur Swisscontact, Bonariah Siahaan wakil MCA-Indonesia dan Hari Kristijo, Satker Kementerian Bappenas bersalaman usai menandatangani perjanjian kemitraan dalam pengembangan kakao di Mamuju, Senin (31/3).

Mamuju – Di tengah kebun percontohan kakao di Desa Tadui, Kecamatan Mamuju, Kabupaten Mamuju, Provinsi Sulawesi Barat, Gubernur Anwar Adnan Saleh dengan wajah sumringah menyambut para tamu, mereka adalah para mitra yang akan membantu pegtani meningkatkan produksi petani dan menjadikan Sulbar sebagai sentra produksi kakao terbesar di Indonesia.

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Pabrik Kakao Cargill Pasok Pasar Asia Pasifik

Pabrik Kakao Cargill Pasok Pasar Asia Pasifik



Gresik, beritasurabaya.net – Keberadaan pabrik pengolahan kakao Cargill Indonesia di Gresik di-set upuntuk memenuhi kebutuhan pasar se Asia Pasifik. Pabrik ini memiliki kapasitas pemrosesan untuk tahap awal sebesar 70.000 metrik ton (MT) dan memproduksi bubuk kakao premium merek Gerkens, merupakan pabrik terbaru dan termodern dengan teknologi tinggi, dari seluruh pabrik kakao yang dimiliki Cargill.

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Cargill Siap Latih 4.500 Petani Kakao

Cargill Siap Latih 4.500 Petani Kakao

Rabu , 10 Des 2014 18:01 WIB
2014-12-10-Cargill Siap Latih 4.500 Petani Kakao

Skalanews – Perusahaan Cargill Indonesia menyiapkan pelatihan bagi 4.500 petani kakao di Farmer Field Schools, yang baru dibuka di Kabupaten Bone, Soppeng, Sulawesi Selatan.

“Kami menargetkan agar 2.000 petani, yang ikut pelatihan mendapatkan sertifikat berkelanjutan independen,” kata President Cargill Cocoa and Chocolate Business di Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika dan Asia Jos de Loor di Gresik, Rabu (10/12).

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